Meet Me: Will & Kate

This week we meet the power couple of the sandwich world Will & Kate. These foodies are the founders of Capital Larder  , delivering freshly made properly filled sarnies to the hungry employees of EC4.

What do you do for work?

Earlier this year we launched a meal delivery service in central London named Capital Larder. The customer orders online (or soon on our app!) and we deliver fresh to you within 15 minutes. It’s just the two of us at the moment so we are the courier, marketing team, accountants and even cleaners of the operation, its knackering but rewarding. We are small but we’ve got ambitions to take on the tech giants.

What’s your career highlight? 

Having the first order come through on our system was so exciting, after months of planning and trying to get a seemingly endless list of things ready it was so satisfying. Earning our first £4.95 that was just for us and no one else felt so good.

What did you want to be growing up?

Up until the moment we decided to create Capital Larder I was never really sure, it would drive my parents mad. Kate wanted to be a lawyer from the age of about 3, as you do!


How did you get to where you are now?

We actually met when Kate was looking for a flat and I was working as an estate agent. We hit it off straight away chatting about Tomorrowland, nerf guns and Star Wars. After a suspicious number of viewing requests I finally relented and let her take me on a date. After several months we found ourselves hating our jobs, Kate worked in finance making millions for others and I was still an estate agent unhappy & unsure what I was doing. So we decided to do our own thing, after some market research and working through ideas we created Capital Larder.

What’s your top tip for anyone wanting to get into your industry?

Before fully committing to an idea make sure to carry out thorough market analysis, it will help you to define in your mind why your product or service is the best or different. Make sure your idea is flexible and can evolve, all the research in the world can’t prepare you for the unknown. We found this out the hard way when one month prior to launch Uber unexpectedly launched a meal delivery service – these things come to test you.

What is the meaning of happiness?

Eating homemade blackberry and apple crumble with custard, with the Christmas tree lit and Michael Bublé playing in the background.

What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?

It’s too hard to pick one, Star Wars, custard and ASOS next day delivery.

Dinner in a hurry – what would you cook?

It’s a toss up between M&S ready meals or pasta, butter, bacon and sweetcorn – the ultimate easy comfort food.

What’s your top travel destination?

Venice, yes there are a lot of tourists and yes there are a lot of bad restaurants, but take a second to find a place off the beaten track and you’ll be reminded of why Venice is so beautiful. Kate is originally from Bavaria so we love Munich and the Swiss mountains. Oooh or Prague is gorgeous too, the chocolate trdelniks are to die for.
